The Power of Writing: Why putting your thoughts down on paper can make you happier

Shoaib Mahmud
5 min readJun 28, 2022


Hannah Olinger

You’ve probably heard that writing is a great way to express yourself and work through your emotions. But did you know that it can also make you happier?

It’s true! Writing has been shown to have a number of mental and emotional benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving moods, and increasing self-awareness.

In this post, we’ll explore the power of writing and how it can help you live a happier life.

The Science Behind Why Writing Makes You Happier

There’s a reason that journaling is often recommended as a way to deal with stress and anxiety: Writing down your thoughts can actually make you happier!

According to research, writing has a whole host of mental health benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, and even helping you sleep better. In fact, one study even showed that writing about stressful events led to decreased levels of cortisol (the “stress hormone”).

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your mood and feel happier, writing may be the answer!

The Benefits of Writing Regularly

So, how does writing make you happier? Well, for one, it helps you to become more self-aware. By taking the time to put your thoughts down on paper (or into a computer document), you’re able to reflect on your life, your day and your feelings in a more holistic way.

In addition, writing has been shown to have some amazing benefits for mental health. It can help to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and can even improve sleep quality. Plus, it can be a great way to deal with trauma or grief.

So what are you waiting for? Start writing today and see if you can’t reap some of these amazing benefits for yourself!

How to Start a Daily Journaling Habit

If you’re looking for a way to boost your happiness levels, start journaling. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a great way to connect with yourself, and it can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional health.

To get started, find a quiet place where you can write without interruption. Grab a notebook and pen, and sit down for five minutes. Just start writing whatever comes to mind — there’s no right or wrong way to do it. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling, just let the words flow.

If you find it difficult to get started, try setting some simple rules for yourself: write for five minutes every day, or write three days per week. Once you get into the habit of journaling, you’ll likely find that you enjoy it and want to do it more often.

What to Write About in Your Journal

Prophsee Journals

When it comes to journals, there are no rules. You can write about anything and everything that’s on your mind. Some people like to journal about their day-to-day activities, while others prefer to write about their feelings and emotions. There’s no right or wrong way to do it.

The most important thing is to be honest and authentic with yourself. Don’t censor yourself or try to write for the sake of writing. Just let your thoughts flow freely and see where it takes you. You may be surprised by what you find.

How to Make Journaling a Habit That Sticks

So you want to start journaling, but you’re not sure how to make it a habit that sticks? Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Find a time and place that’s convenient for you. Journaling doesn’t have to be a chore — try doing it in the morning before work, or in the evening after the kids are in bed.

2. Keep your journal somewhere visible so you’ll be more likely to use it.

3. Use a pen that makes you happy. There’s something about writing in a pretty journal with a nice pen that makes the experience feel special.

4. Make a pledge to yourself. Promise yourself that you’ll journal for at least 10 minutes every day, no matter what.

5. Reward yourself for sticking to your pledge. When you reach your goal, treat yourself to something special, like a new book or a day at the spa.

Tips for Journaling When You’re Feeling Stuck

Journaling is a great way to work through your thoughts and feelings when you’re feeling stuck. Here are a few tips for journaling when you’re not sure what to write about:

1. Start by writing down what’s on your mind. Get all of your thoughts and feelings out in the open, even if they seem silly or pointless.

2. Write about things that make you happy. This can be anything from your favorite memory to a happy moment from the day.

3. Write about your goals and aspirations. This can be anything from your long-term goals to your daily intentions for the day.

4. Write a letter to a friend or family member. This is a great way to communicate how you’re feeling, without having to have an actual conversation.

5. Draw or doodle about what’s on your mind. Sometimes it’s easier to get your thoughts out when you don’t have to worry about making them look pretty or perfect.


It’s always been said that writing is a great way to work through your thoughts and emotions, and it turns out that there’s some truth to that. Writing in a journal can help you de-stress, process difficult emotions, and even boost your mood.

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your happiness and wellbeing, consider starting a daily journaling habit. It may be just what you need to start feeling better.

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I’m Shoaib Mahmud, Freelance Product Designer at Toptal. I write about User Experience Design, Productivity & Happiness! I’m a Bangladeshi, living in Dhaka, follow me for fresh content!

Feel free to connect with me Shoaib Mahmud 😊



Shoaib Mahmud

I’m a Freelance Product Designer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I write about product design, books, productivity & happiness.